Bio Secure Incinerators
Our Bio-Secure Incinerators can prevent the spread of infectious diseases at source. DEFRA Type approved for infected waste and other animal by-products.
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- Bio Secure Incinerators
Bio security is of utmost importance in livestock industries. A number of high profile outbreaks in recent years has started to shift opinions on managing your own fallen livestock.
Secure, On-Site Waste Destruction
Inciner8 have many years experience dealing with bio-hazard emergencies and know the importance in providing the right products quickly to the right locations. In many circumstances our mobile incinerators allow for rapid disposal of infected animals over a wide area with a reduction in the cross contamination risk. Most of our medium to large models can have optional heat exchangers added (that provide the ability to generate heat or hot water from your waste).
Typical Diseases that Incineration can eradicate: This is by no means and exhaustive list of diseases and viruses that livestock can be affected by. Contact your local environment agency or the WHO agent in your area to find out about any current outbreaks you should be aware of.
Cattle Related Diseases
- Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD)
- Anthrax
- Johne’s disease
- Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR)
- Foot-and-mouth disease
- Rabies
- Bluetongue
Poultry Diseases
- Fowl Pox
- Newcastle Disease
- Infectious Bronchitis
- Avian Influenza (Bird Flu)
- Infectious Coryza
- Infectious Laryngotracheitis
- Turkey Rhinotracheitis
- Mycoplasma synoviae
- Avian Encephalomyelitis
- Egg Drop Syndrome
DEFRA state:
“Animal carcasses or parts of animal carcasses suspected or confirmed as infected by a TSE are category 1 ABPs. They must be disposed of by incineration, or processing (rendering) followed by incineration.”
Agricultural Business that Could Benefit from Incineration
“In many countries you can operate an incinerator with little or no paperwork – providing you keep the volume of waste under 50kg per hour*.”
Because we offer such a wide range of capacities and door sizes, we will have an off the shelf model available for imemdiate dispatch – unlike our competitors who will have you wait up to 12 weeks for the machine to be constructed BEFORE they ship.
- Small Holdings
- Dairy Farms
- Livestock Farms
- Renderer’s / Abattoirs
- Hatcheries
- Aqua farms
*- check with your local authority
Why choose a Bio-secure Incinerator from Inciner8?
Many of our models are DEFRA approved units which meet the EU and UK ABPR rules for animal and poultry by-product incineration.
All our incinerators are supplied fully serviced and ready to run, backed by our 1 year warranty and global after-sales specialist support. So if you need a reliable, proven and efficient animal incinerator, our range will surely have one model that will meet your waste needs