Invasive Plant Species Incinerators
Our range of invasive plant incinerators are the perfect solution for the destruction of invasive plant species and other contaminated organic material.
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Invasive plants can cause massive amounts of destruction to houses, land and wildlife. Now that most chemical control options are seen as toxic and dangerous to the environment, Incineration is seen as the preferred way to destroy any invasive plant species.
Identification is the first step but making the right choice for its disposal can have serious implications to the lands’ bio-diversity if you get it wrong.
Here at INCINER8 we are leading the way in low-cost affordable waste solutions that allow groundsmen, estate managers and national trust staff to take complete control of invasive plant destruction – giving you peace of mind that it has been completely destroyed. Once incinerated the ash can then be added to compost as a way of disposal.
*dependent on model purchased.
Our incinerators are:
- Effective against Invasive Plants
- Provide TOTAL Destruction of Plant Material
- Recommended in ‘Species Action Plans’
- Portable for on-site incineration
Invasive terrestrial & aquatic plant species that can be tackled and destroyed with incineration:
- Japanese knotweed (Fallopia japonica)
- Rhodedendron (Rhododendron ponticum)
- Himalayan balsam (Impatiens glandulifera)
- Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
- Floating pennywort (Hydrocotyle ranunculoides)
- Australian swamp stonecrop (Crassula helmsii)
- Parrot’s feather (Myriophyllum aquaticum)
- Water fern (Azolla filiculoides)
How to remove invasive plants
The removal of invasive (alien) plants has traditionally been done using chemicals. Recently the toxicity and environmental damage of these sprays has been considered too high and the Environmental Agency are currently reviewing whether to ban certain ones in the UK and further afield.
In some cases, the plants are simply dug up and the roots removed. However, this doesn’t get rid of them completely and as with most invasive plants they are extremely hardy and able to survive with little or no soil until they re-establish themselves.
How to control invasive plants
Most of these plants are now classed as ‘controlled waste’ under the Environmental Protection Act 1990. The guidance and advice from the likes of the RHS and EA are that burning is considered the most complete and effective method for their destruction.
Many of our general incinerators are suitable for vegetation incineration. Smaller models can be supplied trailer mounted for easy deployment, larger models can either be containerised or skid-mounted.
Solutions built for invasive plants
Here at INCINER8 we are leading the way in low-cost affordable waste solutions that allow groundsmen, estate managers and national trust staff to take complete control of invasive plant destruction – giving you peace of mind that it has been completely destroyed.