Medical waste may not pose a significant risk to the majority of the population of Europe and the USA and most people probably don’t give it a second thought, but for those who live in developing countries this can be a major source of infection, disease and virus outbreaks. Medical or clinical waste disposal is strictly regulated and new processes may be needed to reduce risk of infection and contamination and to streamline outdated handling processes. On-site disposal technology through incineration is an efficient method of disposal for the quarter of waste generated by healthcare establishments that can be considered hazardous, but less than half of this amount is currently disposed of through the incineration process. Incineration is the most effective way to reduce the infectivity of the waste material and remove any risk of contamination. Disposal of medical waste must keep pace with advancements in medical technology and practices in order to minimise risk, and installation of high quality incineration equipment on site can greatly reduce the risk to workers who may come in to contact with clinical waste and the nearby general public. incinerators have a clear role to play in the waste to energy initiatives too, as well as their application to limit the spread of disease and viruses. Here in the UK, The NHS is estimated to dispose of 250,000 tons of medical waste each year and new incineration technologies could assist with the positive management of this particular waste stream. Inciner8 have some of the most advanced technology in this particular area with controlled air incinerators, heat exchangers, scrubbers and pollution control systems, designed for varying healthcare environments and volumes of waste ranging from small clinics to large hospitals with specialised requirements for waste disposal.
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