Zambia cattle faming, the waste they create and the solutions Inciner8 develop

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Located deep in the heart of central Africa is a 5,000 head cattle farm. It is located in the landlocked country of Zambia, where a herd of over 5,000 cattle are farmed over a 36 square mile farm. The farm supplies beef to countries all over Africa and is known for not only the quality of its meat but the good living conditions of their livestock.

The farm contacted Inciner8 as they needed a whole new range of incinerators to keep up with the demand of their every growing production and knew that we were not only capable of meeting their demands but that our incinerations were renowned for their long-lasting construction and class-leading performance. They needed a solution that would easily tackle fallen cattle and animal by-products from the rendering side of the business. They purchased two i8-700A units to keep up with their constant demand, which allows them to burn up to 1,200kg’s of fallen stock and animal by-products every hour – keeping their farm bio-secure and clear of waste.

cattle zambia

We recommended the i8-700A as the perfect solution to tackle the continuous high loads of animal waste that this cattle farm tackles every day. The i8-700A features a large door opening to accommodate entire carcasses and is the second biggest model in our agricultural range. It was customized with viewing windows, external cladding and automatic loading to provide an effective and sustainable waste disposal solution for all the animal waste. The top-loading design also provides liquid retention making this incinerator ideal for incinerating animal

cattle zambia

Since this waste solution has been in place the farm has been able to tackle their animal waste with more efficiency thus making the overall site more bio secure. They can now tackle more waste than ever and these new solutions will help the company with its expansion plans over the following years.

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