Over the past few years, the problem of parasitic lice spreading on farmed salmon has been increasing at an alarming rate. We are now seeing situations like last year where lice killed thousands of tonnes of farmed fish, caused skin lesions and secondary infections in millions more, and cost the Scottish industry alone around £300m in trying to control them.
Here at Inciner8 we have been at the forefront of working on ways to combat this growing problem. Working closely with our colleagues in Scotland and in conjunction with local authorities we are now able to offer a complete turnkey solution that will mean our aquaculture clients can go about their day-to-day operations with confidence that they are not compounding the problem. All infected dead-stock can be collected and kept in the secure holding chambers provided until it is practical to load them into the incinerator for total destruction.
Recent papers showed that the levels of chemicals used to kill sea lice have breached environmental safety limits more than 100 times in the last 10 years. The chemicals have been discharged into the waters by 70 fish farms run by seven companies. By reducing the amount of infected fish going back into the sea, incineration provides a realistic way to contain this issue until better solutions are found.
Find out how our aquaculture incinerators could work for you.
For an in-depth article about salmon lice from the Guardian: